Squadron Support Program - VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc.

   VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc.
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VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc. Benefits Program supporting Patrol Squadron SIXTEEN (VP-16) active duty personnel and their families


The VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc., is a 501(c)(19) non-profit Federal Income Tax-exempt U. S. Military Veteran-Affiliated Corporation under the U. S. IRS Tax Code.  The effective date of approval/establishment of this corporate entity is 11 April 2013.  The organization is composed of several hundred former U. S. Navy personnel who served in VP-16 over a range of many years, dating back to the 1950s.  The Association meets periodically in reunion and convenes a formal, official meeting of the Board of Directors and interested Association Members once per year.

The abiding Principles of the VP-16 Navy Veterans are to continue to maintain contact with each other; maintain the commitments of loyalty to the Navy and the Nation established at their various times of original enlistments; and enjoy renewal of acquaintances through the traditional camaraderie of Shipmates, both amongst Reunion Membership and the Active Duty Squadron based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida.

The Purposes of the subject program are to assist, where possible and within the Association’s financial means available, VP-16 active duty personnel where individual or collective needs are evident and official Navy funds may not be available.  This assistance is intended and provided in the best spirit and ideals of citizenship, friendship, and the traditions of Navy Shipmates helping one another.

The Objectives of the subject program are two-fold:

A. To establish and maintain a College Scholarship Program for deserving VP-16 Sailors who are pursuing college degrees in their off-duty time.

B. To be alert to situations where modest monetary contributions could be of help to non-operational VP-16 squadron activities, such as family events; contributions that could enhance the quality of such events will support the vital role families play in support of the active duty personnel.


The two entities charged with coordination as necessary for the implementation and management of the subject program are:

A. The VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc. Board of Directors

B. The Commanding Officer of Patrol Squadron SIXTEEN (VP-16)

Both parties have agreed to provide Points of Contact and endeavor to be responsive to needs, execution, and continuous communication to ensure the success of the subject program.


Roles and Responsibilities are spelled out below for the two objectives of the program enumerated in section II. above.


A. Eligibility.  Eligibility for college scholarships is limited to active duty VP-16 Sailors who are pursuing either two-year or four-year college degrees under the auspices and regulations of the Navy Tuition Assistance Program.  Aspirants of Masters Degrees or higher will not normally be considered.

NOTE:  Though the Navy Tuition Assistance Program extends eligibility to both Officer and Enlisted Personnel, the Reunion Association and the Commanding Officer have agreed that the initial focus of this program, given the limited financial means of the Association, will be upon squadron Enlisted Personnel who are working for an initial college degree.

 Additionally, it is agreed that a dependent of an active duty Sailor may be eligible, at some later date, subject to the Commanding      Officer’s certification of need.  However, the current emphasis of this program is upon the Sailor(s) pursuing advanced education        who could use the scholarship funds to help with financial needs not covered by Navy Tuition Assistance – i.e., any valid expenses      associated with the education.  (The Navy Tuition Assistance Program does not cover any college expense except tuition.)

B. Selection Process.  The Association Board of Directors and the Squadron Commanding Officer have agreed that a comprehensive selection process will be used to select deserving individuals for nominations to receive scholarships.  Essential parameters and methods will include:

1. A selection board convened by the Commanding Officer of VP-16.

a. Sailors to be considered will be eligible for and undertaking college work under the regulations established by the current version of the Navy Tuition Assistance Program Instruction and applicable/ supporting CNO NAVADMIN messages that periodically address the Tuition Assistance Program.  Eligible individuals will be in good standing both with their respective schools and the Navy Tuition Assistance Program manager, per the requirements of Navy Policy.

b. The Commanding Officer will present to the VP-16 Association Board of Directors approved scholarship recommendation(s) generated by the squadron selection process. Recommendations will include a nomination package summarizing the individual’s professional performance-in-rate, college-degree objective(s), and financial needs in support of his/her advanced educational endeavors.

c. The Association Board will review the nomination and notify forthwith the squadron Commanding Officer of approval or disapproval with rationale.

d. It has been agreed that a member of the VP-16 Reunion Association will normally publicly present to the selected Sailor the Scholarship money in the form of a check.  At the discretion of the Commanding Officer, this formal presentation could take place at Squadron Quarters on a mutually convenient day for all concerned.

C. Periodicity and Dollar Amount of Scholarships

It is anticipated that, initially upon inception of the program and for some undetermined period, no more than one scholarship per year would be awarded.  However, this provision is flexible but dependent upon the need within the squadron and the financial ability of the Association as the program proceeds.  

At the discretion of the Commanding Officer and his/her selection process and consistent with the numbers of potentially eligible Sailors, nominations for more than one scholarship could possibly be considered and awarded to the same individual during his/her college degree studies.  

Additionally, pursuant to the Commanding Officer’s recommendation, funds embodied in a scholarship could be divided and allocated to more than one recipient, consistent with their needs.  In the case of such a recommendation as this, the requested allocations for each recipient would be noted in the nomination package.  As with all recommendations, such a plan would be evaluated by the Association Board of Directors during the review/approval process.  

It is further anticipated that initial scholarship(s) will be in the amount of $500.00 [planned for April 2015] but could potentially be increased subject to need and the financial posture of the Association.  The amount of follow-on grants are to-be determined.

D. Amendment, Modification, Cancellation, Termination

Amendments and/or modification to the Scholarship Program will be undertaken as necessary and coordinated between the VP-16 Reunion Association Board of Directors and the Squadron Commanding Officer.

The program can be cancelled/terminated at the discretion of the Association Board for good and valid reasons.  Additionally, the Squadron Commanding Officer may recommend termination for good and valid reasons.


A. Discussion

It is recognized that in an active duty Navy squadron, there are numerous non-operational, unofficial important activities that transpire over the course of a given year.  Many of these events are oriented toward families of squadron personnel and are important in that their support of the men and women in the command is critical to morale and efficiency.  The Navy provides limited funding to support these activities and occasionally the quality and frequency of important events may be degraded due to a shortage of these funds.

The Association members, having observed this problem in their own Navy experiences, are sensitive to the issue and collectively understand and support the need to help out where possible.  Of considerable importance, for instance, is the Squadron Family Readiness Group (FRG) made up of key family personnel who monitor day-to-day the morale and welfare of the families, often when the squadron is deployed for long periods out of the United States.  

The FRG is but one example where an occasional, modest monetary contribution can be of help in certain squadron/family events such as holiday parties for the children.  Assistance in these areas, when the Association is financially able, will be helpful to the vital role families play in support of their active duty personnel.

B.   Notice of Need and Approval Process

It is unlikely that members of the Association Board of Directors, or members at large, will normally be aware of a need for assistance under this section without first having been alerted by the command.  Therefore, the onus is upon the Squadron Commanding Officer to identify any area-of-need that would qualify for potential monetary assistance consistent with the general guidelines noted above.  

When/if the Commanding Officer notes a need for assistance that, in his judgment, would qualify for consideration of the Association, he/she will notify the Board of Directors, normally the President.  

The President will consider the request/need, poll the other Board Members, and notify the Commanding Officer of the decision.  If approval is granted for a modest amount of monetary assistance, the Board President will forward the money in the form of a check, along with an appropriate note of support, to the appropriate point of contact.

C.   Periodicity and Dollar Amount of Assistance

There is no set frequency of need for this area of assistance, nor any set amount of monetary help stipulated.  In general, these gestures of the VP-16 Reunion Association in support of VP-16 will be infrequent and in modest amounts.  The good judgment of the Commanding Officer in making known a need and the judgment and discretion of the Association Board will be the standard.

D.  Amendment, Modification, Cancellation, Termination

Same as above [for scholarship initiative].


The term of this program is intended to be open-ended but subject to termination if/as necessary and/or appropriate.  Accordingly, no limiting date is established by this document.

William Sherman, President of the Board,
VP-16 Reunion Association, Inc.

CDR Daniel Papp, U. S. Navy
Commanding Officer, VP-16

VP-16 Reunion Association Copyright 2016. Developed by VP-16 Reunion Association Inc.
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